Hygiene products for the children in Castelu
This week, 150 packs of hygiene products reached the children in Castelu, through the ‘300 Little Clean hands’’ project.
The lack of running water in many houses, combined with the poverty in which approximately 600 children live in Castelu, led to the children’s precarious hygiene and, subsequently, to their health problems. During the 150-pack distribution the children were reminded how important it is to look after their own body, despite the harsh conditions, and that we were there to offer them support.
In addition to the soap and shampoo, the children were also offered some sweets, accompanied, of course, by the toothpaste 🙂
’’300 tiny clean hands” is a project run by Reality Check and financed through the ‘’În stare de bine” program, sustained by Kaufland Romania and implemented by Fundatia pentru Dezvoltarea Societatii Civile.
#realitycheckro #impreunaprinsportlacastelu #instaredebine #implicareafacediferenta #kaufland #fdsc