20.06.2019 | Comunități sărace, Educație, Impact evaluation, Monitoring
Amendments for the 248/2015 Law, an incentive for the impoverished children’s participation in kindergarten and preschool. Since 2016 the Romanian State granted monthly 50 lei (11 Eur) food coupons for the impoverished families, to increase, on a long term, the...
10.06.2019 | Educație, Monitoring
This year, we participated for the first time in the Civil Society Gala competition and we are very glad to be among the winning NGOs. We competed in the “Defense of Individual / Collective Rights” section with our project Monitoring of Law 248/2015 (Every...
13.02.2019 | Comunități sărace, Educație, Housing, Monitoring
Monitoring, evaluation and impact Our mission is to support the development of programs and public policies that are smart, have impact, are designed for citizens, and are applied correctly and effectively. One way to do this is to monitor the way certain laws and...