Or make a donation using Paypal:

Until 25th of May  you can still direct 3.5% of your income tax to your favorite NGO.

Your income tax is already paid to the state. But you can direct 3.5% of it to an NGO of your choice. ANAF will calculate how much 3.5% of your income tax is.

Fill in the form with your data, sign it and bring it to ANAF or send it by post with a form of acknowledgment of receipt.

Download the 230 form if the salary is your only income source from here.


If you other sources of income (free lancing, copyrights, etc.) go on Spațiul Privat Virtual and fill in “declarația unică” chapter 1, section 6.A as shown below.

If you have a company, you have the right to direct up to 20% of your profit tax to an NGO of your choice until December 31st (up to 0.5% from your turnover).

If you would like to support us, please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign a sponsorship contract (download) – between your company and Asociația Reality Check).
  2. Register the contract and the sponsorship in your accounting system.
  3. Calculate your profit tax and take off your donation. The regularisation will be done at the end of the year.

Legal reference: Codul fiscal 2008-2009 – Titlul II Impozitul pe profit Cap.II Calculul profitului impozabil, Art.21 Cheltuieli, Alin (4), litera (p).

If you would like to support us monthly, you can do this easily by setting up a recurrent payment from your online banking account. Any amount you can contribute with counts!

Bank account info:

Asociatia Reality Check
Tax ID no: 37978051
Bank: INGB Centrala
IBAN Lei: RO66 INGB 0000 9999 0711 1278
IBAN Euro: RO89 INGB 0000 9999 0715 3350

Current needs:

  • Improving the 248/2015 law which stimulates impoverished children’s participation in preschool by providing food coupons conditional on attendance.
  • Solving the health emergencies of the children in Castelu, Constanta county
  • Construction materials for repairing houses in Ponorâta village, Coroieni comuna, Maramureș county

Current needs:

  • Preschool enrollment campaign for impoverished children
  • Educational activities with the children in Ponorâta (Maramureș county)
  • Organizational development (communication, fundraising, research and data analysis) at Reality Check’s office in Bucharest

Details: Iolanda Burtea, iolanda@realitycheck.ro, +0726 840 791