Besides better prepared houses to face the rain and the cold, through the Cinstim Binele (“Cheers for the Good!”) campaign, supported by Timisoreana, we build a better a self confidence for the people in Ponorata and for the whole village as a community. 11 parents, together with school representatives and members of the Reality Check team are these days in the Adventure Education camp in Lupeni, coordinated by Ilie Popescu.
Based on a learning from experience approach, the Adventure Education program includes both indoor and outdoor exercises meant to help the group function as a team, achieve work performances, have better results and fun in challenging but safe conditions. Even if the program is designed to develop the team spirit and the team achievements, it also represents a valuable individual experience. The participants have access to instruments that help them achieve personal development and increase their self esteem. This will definitely be an unforgettable experience for the people in Ponorata, who rarely leave the village for anything else but for seasonal jobs.
After coming back home, the participants will be involved in selecting the five houses which are to be improved, next to school, city hall and Reality Check representatives.